I have always had an idea of directing myself through some kind of inner compass – in my thoughts, during challenges, milestones in life, opportunities, changes… Having had the opportunity to work with Mary T twice the past three years (on two different in-house Leadership development programmes), has given me an overwhelming enhancement of this inner compass.
Through these sessions with Mary T, in these groups, I realize I have now also been given a map to the surroundings in which I navigate. I have been given a torch to light up the paths. Because this is what it is all about, isn’t it? It is not just my own direction that is to be found. It is the tuning in of the beacons and bearings of others that gives direction to the true paths.
Given the true signals from my surrounding environment I can find the genuine paths and I have a chance to look beyond my first limited scenario.
Working with Mary T is like being given a traveler’s guidebook to your own well-known and well-treaded neighborhood. If you care to open it – even if you don’t think you’d need to – you will discover, on a daily basis, all the sights and places of interests you really didn’t see before or realized were there.
Such an evolving experience!